The animals are encouraging me recently to share more around closing the separation we often create with the mind, body, and sprit, especially when our animals or we are not well.
They remind us to acknowledge the discomfort/pain/illness that they might be experiencing, but to remember that big work is done on a vibrational level through focusing on the desired outcome of wellness.
When we focus on the lower vibrating energies (illness/disease) we give it power, and we ask for more of what we are aligned with. We cannot practice the vibration of “poor him/her” and wellness simultaneously as they are two completely different vibrational energies. They are telling two different stories. One is a story of illness, one is a story of wellness. As we tell our stories, we start to believe them and accept them as truth, and this belief turns into a dominant vibrational energy that attracts all that’s aligned with it into our experience. Has anyone heard the term “When it rains it pours?” That’s vibrational momentum created through the quantum field.
We can acknowledge the disease/discomfort and take steps in the 3D world to promote wellness to the best of our knowledge and ability, but we cannot forget the unseen work. The work no one wants to do because it’s uncomfortable, time consuming, requires us to not go unconscious or back to the familiar thought patterns of “what is.” The big work is the work unseen. The big work is believing in the wellness before it has manifested. It’s holding the “light” for you and your animal to step into. It’s surrendering to the unknown, and releasing control of the familiar.
The same way thought alone can create a chemical change in your body when you see someone you really don’t want to see, or you meet someone who gives you butterflies… wellness can be created in the mind. Wellness IS created first through vibration as a result of your thoughts, emotions and environment.
What would happen if all of your focus was on wellness despite what was in front of you? This doesn’t mean ignoring the problem, it means trusting in the solution. What would that feel like? What kinds of things would you do with your animals? Imagine it. Give it a try..
Next time you are talking with your trainer, at the vet with your animals, or simply spending time with them, consider holding a belief that on the other side of this there will be wellness. Consider imagining that bodies are designed to heal and be well. Consider believing in an energy field greater than yourself from which all matter is created. Consider asking for what you want, and believing it’s possible. Consider this is what your animals have been waiting for all along.
The Great Awakening